The Festival

Racconti per Ricominciare is a multi-venue eco-friendly performing arts festival set in sites that are part of National Heritage, in Campania region, south of Italy.

Created by Vesuvioteatro, curated by the artistic directors Giulio Baffi and Claudio Di Palma, the festival presented its first edition from 25 June to 12 July 2020 and the second edition from 28 May to 6 June 2021. The third edition will take place from May 26 to June 12.

During the Festival, some of the most evocative locations in Campania are transformed into natural theaters for site-specific performances staged at sunset, in perfect symbiosis with the architecture and the scenery.

Performances are held mainly outdoors, for a limited audience and in full compliance with anti-covid measures, to continue enjoying arts and culture in safety.

A multi-venue event of itinerant site-specific theatre performances, set in the open spaces of magnificent historical sites of Campania’s cultural heritage.

How it works

The Festival takes place over 10 days with simultaneous events in different locations of great charm and beauty.
Each show lasts 1 hour and is made of 4 different 15-minutes tales staged at sunset in 4 different open-air spots of the location.
The audience will attend to the first 15-minute performance, after that it will move forward to the second one and so on. This way, people can attend to the show and, at the same time, they can visit the historical site.

Each show is performed twice a day, between sunset and nightfall, with neither light nor artificial sound.

Every year, the Festival involves the average of 50 artists, 30 staff members and about 30 authors.

Starting again from the Theatre, arte and culture.

Conceived during the Italian lockdown in 2020, and realized right after that awful experience of solitude, fear and isolation, the Festival helped people to develop a new sense of community throughout an immersive experience of site-specific theatre monologues, it helped artists to return to the dignity of professional life and it helped many sites of National Heritage to finally reopen their doors to people.

It has involved, in its short lifetime, an important number of the show-business workers, public institutions and private foundations. Year after year, it increases its network and systematizes all inputs that can define artistic and cultural actions to enhance local and national cultural heritage.

Racconti per Ricominciare in due anni di vita ha coinvolto un numero importante di lavoratori dello spettacolo e numerose realtà territoriali e istituzionali, mettendo a sistema l’idea dello spettacolo dal vivo come attivatore del patrimonio culturale, in un rapporto di reciprocità tra linguaggio artistico e ambiente naturale che ha permesso di riappropriarsi di quel legame con l’esperienza teatrale che è volano per la rinascita culturale.
